One of my favorite summer time side dishes on the grill made even better thanks to produce grown in my own garden! Everything in this recipe just happened to be available when I made this dish to accompany a nice prime ribeye steak.
Grilled Red Potatoes with onions, garlic, butter & rosemary salt & pepper. Take a couple medium size potatoes per person and one medium size onion. In my case I cut up 4 of my onion sets that I pulled to check their growth. Combine with fresh garlic, a couple pats of butter, fresh rosemary, and salt & pepper to taste, wrap them in tin foil and onto the grill. Normally I would cook this for 30 minutes on the upper rack of the grill around 350 degrees. However, these potatoes being right out of the ground and so tender, I decided to check them after 20 minutes and they were good to go. I usually let them rest on the counter wrapped in tin foil while I cook the meat. Not sure if it helps, but I feel like it steams them a little longer plus they get a chance to cool a little bit before you dig in.