Last night I planted the last of the 4×4 raised beds. This was one of the new beds I recently completed. After loosening the soil I used my hand seed spacing templates and went to work.
I planted a couple of new seed packets I picked up from the discount rack at Tractor Supply as well as some lettuce varieties I had from the Seed Savers Exchange.
On the right side of the bed I planted one row of some “ Jack be little” Pumpkins for the kids and possibly for some of the kid’s friends provided we get enough. On the left side I planted some Zucchini in the top left and top right corners to accompany Uncle Bryan’s Squash plants he gave us. In the middle left I planted to Mammoth Dill plants for what will hopefully be a big cucumber harvest this year. Finally in the middle I planted one row of each variety of lettuce including: Red Romaine, Susan’s Red Bibb, Butter-crunch, & Amish Deer Tongue.
I also planted some Crisp Mint Lettuce in some of the vacant spaces where we harvested some radishes earlier this month. I added a couple more green bean seeds where some of our original green bean crop did not make it and did some general weeding.
Things are really starting to grow in the garden.