As of yesterday afternoon we had almost 3” of rain fall at the house since last weekend. I was lucky enough to leave my garden cart outside and upright and was able to snap this quick picture. We needed the rain because it has been fairly dry for some time and it seems like the local fire department always seems to have the fire danger listed as high or very high on their sign. I only wish that this holiday weekend’s forecast was for some dryer weather, but so far it is supposed to stay wet all weekend except for possibly Monday.
The rain has kept us from having to water the garden so there is at least some benefit to all the rain. The garden is still growing despite the lack of sun during the day and surprisingly we did have a few flowers blooming.
This Columbine flower above opened up a bit despite the lack of sunshine.
This Rhododendron bloom was struggling to open yesterday.
We have had quite a few blooms come and go on our June bearing strawberry plants. Off to the right you can see a strawberry that has started to take shape.
The last interesting thing observed in our garden yesterday was this interesting weed, or at least I thought it was a weed when I pulled it. Our yard consists of mostly Maple Trees and Oak Trees, so I should not be surprised to see some mini trees sprouting from acorns! These two sprouts where right next to each other in one of my garlic beds so either I accidentally planted this when mulching over the garlic beds in the fall with some leaves or this was an acorn that fell from a tree. This was kind of a neat thing to find.
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